February 11, 2025

Housing bubble index Q4/2024: Rents and prices come together

The empirica bubble index shows the regional spread of a bubble risk. The price-income (-1 pts.) and multiplier (-4 pts.) sub-indices are falling. By contrast, the construction loans sub-index (+2 pts.) is rising slightly, while the completions sub-index remains unchanged (+/- 0 pts.).

The overall index is falling slightly across Germany (-1 points). Accordingly, the proportion of districts at risk is stagnating because the thresholds for a bubble risk are still far exceeded in many places. This trend is favoured by the high growth in rents: too little new construction due to high construction costs with normalised financing costs. Energy-inefficient properties benefit less from this if rising warm ancillary costs limit the increase in net cold rents

The empirica housing market bubble index  is a quarterly index that assesses the risk of a property bubble in various regions of Germany. All data can be obtained as an individual dataset or via database access from empirica regio. Further results and information on the methodology can be downloaded from the empirica ag website:

empirica (2025): empirica Housing Market Bubble 2/4024  (external download in German only).