NEW: empirica regio GO
For a quick market overview with the most important indicators for districts and district-free cities, we now offer empirica regio GO free of charge with the short report REGIO TO GO.
This gives you a quick overview of population development, housing supply, income and labour market trends as well as current property prices and rents. You can change the language from German to English at the bottom of the page - so you will also receive the report in English. If you would like to access our entire database for detailed market analyses and extensive market reports, then use the empirica regio market studio.
In empirica regio GO you will also find a special evaluation of the development of supply on the housing market in Germany during the coronavirus recession. For this purpose we have looked at the advertised housing market of the empirica-systeme market database of the last twelve months. In March, although there was a decline in offers, no significant change in rental and purchase prices could be observed. We will update the data analysis again in May and supplement it with more up-to-date data.